Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
September 18, 2020 • 00:55 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Topic- cavity filling deposits. sir also tell about these terms comb structure, vugs or drosses, stock work..., horses.

topic- cavity filling deposits. sir Also tell about these terms comb structure, vugs or drosses, stock work..., horses.

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rahul kumar

    Dear Gurmeet, let me know if you have any further queries related to this question.


    sir, can you also show comb structure...or we can say it is same appearance as vugs.


    No Gurmeet, vugs and comb structures are two different things. I have attached the diagram of comb structure for your reference.


    Feel free to ask if you have any further queries.

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    Rahul kumar Best Answer

    Cavity filling deposits: Cavity filling deposit is common at shallow depths where brittle rocks deform by fracturing rather than by plastic flow. At these shallow depths, ore bearing fluids may circulate freely within fractures, depositing ore and gangue minerals when sudden or abrupt changes in P and/or T take place. As such, cavity filling deposits will be different from those resulting from replacement, and a set of criteria may be used to identify this process. Vugs: Irregular cavity filled with minerals. The 3rd attached figure (below) is indicating a big deposit. Comb structure: Euhedral prismatic crystals growing from opposite sides of a fissure symmetrically towards its centre develop an interdigitated vuggy zone similar in appearance to that of the teeth of a comb Stockwork: Stockwork is a complex system of structurally controlled or randomly oriented veins. stockworks are common in many ore deposit types and in greisens. They are also referred to as stringer zones. 2nd attached figure (below) is Stockwork Drosses: Dross is a mass of solid impurities floating on a molten metal or dispersed in the metal, such as in wrought iron. It forms on the surface of low-melting-point metals such as tin, lead, zinc or aluminium or alloys by oxidation of the metal. First attached figure (below) is a dross. Horses: Horse is any block of rock completely separated from the surrounding rock either by mineral veins or fault planes.


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