Aa posted an Question
September 15, 2020 • 01:39 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Types of traps in oil formation ?

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rahul kumar Best Answer

    Hydrocarbon occurs in different traps in subsurface condition. In all kind of traps, water occurs at bottom; above water, oil occurs; and above oil, gas occurs because of density difference. According to the arrangement, hydrocarbon traps are classified into 3 major types. 1. Structural traps 2. Stratigraphic traps 3. Diapiric traps (salt diapirs) Structural traps are oil traps formed because of tectonic reasons. Example of structural traps are anticlinal traps and fault traps. Stratigraphic traps are also divided into different types on the basis of presence of unconformity and lithological variations. Salt diapirs can also create oil traps as shown in the diagram below. Please go through the attached figures for arrangement of different kind of oil traps.

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    Sajan sarthak best-answer

    Structural Traps These traps are types that form as a result of some structural deformation - a bend or dip - of rock. These traps take on several forms and shapes as a result of different types of deformation. This deformation tends to take place over tens or hundreds of millions of years after sediment that creates the seals and rocks themselves have been deposited. Anticline Traps These types of traps are formed by a folding of rock. Specifically, a sandstone bed covered with low permeability shale is folded into a trap that contains petroleum products. Hydrocarbons are trapped in the peak of this fold Fault Traps These types of traps are formed when reservoir rock is split along a fault line. Between the walls of the split reservoir, clay traps oil and prevents it from leaving the trap Salt Domes Salt dome traps are formed as a result of below ground salt - which is less dense than the rock above it - moving upwards slowly. This upward migration of the salt can deform and break up rock along the way Stratigraphic Traps These traps are formed as a result of the deposition in sedimentary rocks. When the sediment that creates the reservoir rock is deposited in a discontinuous layer, the seals are created beside and on top of the reservoir. 


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