Anonymous posted an Article
February 24, 2025 • 12:26 pm

UGC NET Result 2025 (Out): Check December 2024 Scorecard & Cutoff Now!

UGC NET Result 2025

UGC NET Question Paper


The Result is the parameter of your efforts and performance in the exam. In the case of UGC NET, it is the deciding factor that you can pursue for JRF/Lectureship or not.

The UGC NET is a national-level examination conducted by the NTA to determine the eligibility of candidates for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). This Exam is held twice a year, in June and December.


Recently, The National Testing Agency (NTA) has officially declared the UGC NET December 2024 result on 22nd February 2025. Candidates can check their score card using their application number and date of birth. The UGC NET December 2024 session exam was conducted from January 3 to January 27, 2025.


The Result showcases the marks of the online examination given by the student. The exam is divided into 2 papers hence, you are required to check the marks of both Paper 1 and Paper 2 separately.


In this article, you will get complete information related to UGC NET Result 2025 includes December 2024 Result, scorecard details, release dates, how to check, cut off and much more.


UGC NET 2025 Result - Release Date

How to Check UGC NET Result 2025?

How to Chack NET Result without an Application Number? 

What are the details mentioned in UGC NET scorecard? 

UGC NET Normalization Process & Score Calculation

UGC NET Scorecard & Details

UGC NET Minimum qualifying Percentile 

UGC NET Cut off - Analyze Your Result

UGC NET Dec 2024 Cut off 

How Many Candidates Qualified in UGC NET Last Session?  

UGC NET E-Certificate and JRF Letter

UGC NET Selections from Eduncle

UGC NET Result Frequently Asked Questions 



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UGC NET Result 2025 Release Date 


The UGC NET Result 2024 for the December Cycle has been declared by the NTA through online mode. Candidates who appeared for the exam, can now download their UGC NET scorecards, check their percentile scores, and verify the cutoff marks for Assistant Professor and JRF eligibility.


Exam Events

important Dates

UGC NET Exam Dates

1st January 2025 to 19th January 2025

UGC NET 2024 Result December release date

22nd February 2025

Cut-off Release date

22nd February 2025

Result Download link

Click Now

To get the idea of complete 2025 exam schedule and latest update and news, you can check the UGC NET Notification and UGC NET News here.



How to Check UGC NET Result 2025? - Step-by-Step Guide to Download


The Result for UGC NET 2024 December has been declared at Candidates who appeared for the exam, you can now check and download their result by by logging into your account by following these simple steps:


Step 1: Go to the official NTA UGC NET website.


Step 2: On the homepage, look for the link that says "UGC NET December 2024 Result" and click on it.


Step 3:  After clicking on the link, you are required to enter details such as-

Application Number

Date of Birth/Password

Security Pin (auto-generated)


Note - Make sure that the entered details are accurate. Take the reference of your UGC NET Admit Card to avoid any mistake.


Step 4 – After entering the details, Now, click on the “Submit” button.


Step 5 – Your result will appear on the screen. The scorecard will display:


Step 6 – Now, Click on the "Download" button and save the PDF. It is recommended to print a copy for future reference.


To verify your result, you can also check the UGC NET Answer Key 2025 and match your responses.



UGC NET Online Coaching Course


How to Chack UGC NET Result without an Application Number?


If you have lost or forgotten your UGC NET 2025 application number, don’t worry! you can check your result by following these simple steps:


 Step 1: Visit the official website-


 Step 2: On the login page, find and click the "Forgot Application Number?" option.


 Step 4: Enter the asked details: 


Father’s name 

Mother’s name 

Date of birth 

Security pin as visible on the screen 


 Step 5: After entering the details correctly, click on the "Get Application Number" button.


 Step 6: Your Application Number will be displayed on the screen. Make sure to save it for future use.


 Step 7: Now, go back to the result login page, enter your retrieved Application Number along with Date of Birth, and proceed to check your result.



What are the details mentioned in UGC NET Scorecard?


The Result tells your qualification status of the exam. It is important for you to check all the details given on the UGC NET scorecard.


Kindly note that, if the information mentioned in the score card does not match the provided details, then you may face difficulty in upcoming rounds. So, in such case you must report the issue to the concerned authority.


Refer to the following table of the UGC NET Dec 2024 score card details to be checked.


Roll number

Application number

Candidates Name

Father name

Mother name


Person with Disability

Subject code and name

Applied for JRF and Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor Only

The Scores of Paper 1 and Paper 2



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UGC NET Normalization Process & Score Calculation


As per the UGC NET exam does not take place on multiple days in two slots. Then how does NTA calculate the UGC NET Normalized score?


The difficulty level of all the NTA NET exams is different, in order to make the assessment fair, a process called UGC NET score normalization is followed. 


It is done so that the students neither get extra benefits nor remain at disadvantage due to the different standards of the paper. The score is calculated with respect to the percentile score of the aspirants by changing the raw marks into the percentile score.


The formula used for calculating the UGC NET percentile score is as follows- 


UGC NET Percentile score = 100 X No. of candidates appeared in the “session” with raw scores equal or less the candidates/total no. of candidates who appeared in the “session”



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UGC NET Scorecard 2025 & Details 


UGC NET Scorecard provides your complete overall score, as well as the score you have obtained in each section individually.


Always keep your NET scorecard downloaded as it will help you later in getting the certificate for assistant professor or JRF. Below is an image showing what your scorecard will look like and what information it will contain. 




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UGC NET Cut off 2025-  Analyze Your Result & Target Your Score!


The UGC NET cut off marks are the minimum qualifying scores required for candidates to be considered eligible for Assistant Professorship or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Eduncle has made available the Selection Criteria and Cut Off Procedure for NET Exam to check the marking procedure of the exam.


Here are some pointers you must know about UGC NET Merit List and cut off:


There is a separate category and subject-wise UGC NET Merit List for the students who obtained the qualifying percentile. The top 6% candidates of the merit list will be declared NET qualified for Assistant professorship only.


There will a separate merit list for the candidates who qualified for the award of JRF.


UGC NET Minimum qualifying Percentile


After the exams are done students frequently ask about the minimum qualifying marks. To qualify for UGC NET Exam, candidates must secure at least the following minimum marks in both Paper 1 & Paper 2: 


As per the Cut-Off Percentile, the minimum expected marks that you will need to pass the NTA NET exam are:



Minimum Qualifying Marks

General (Unreserved)

40% (120 out of 300 marks)

OBC (NCL)/SC/ST/PwD/Transgender

35% (105 out of 300 marks)


UGC NET December 2024 Cut off Marks


The National Testing Agency (NTA) releases the category-wise & subject-wise cutoff marks along with the results.


we have provided the cut-off (Unreserved Category) of some subjects for JRF and assistant professor for your reference:


Subject Code


 Cut Off


Assistant Professor

PHD Only 





































Library and Information Science





Computer Science and Applications





Social Work











UGC NET Channel


How Many Candidates Qualified in UGC NET Dec 2024? 


As per the official data of result, more than 8 lakh students applied for the exam. Here you will find the detailed information of the candidates who have qualified the UGC NET exam in for lectureship and JRF & Lectureship both and Ph.D only .




Number of Candidates 

Number of candidates registered 


Number of candidates appeared 


Number of candidates qualified for JRF & assistant professor 


Number of candidates qualified for assistant professor & Admission to Ph.D


Number of candidates qualified for Ph.D only




UGC NET Certificate 2025 and JRF Letter


After you have cleared the exam, the authorities will provide an E-certificate or letter to show that you have officially qualified for the assistant professor or JRF.  


The e-certificate for an assistant professor is valid for a lifetime. In contrast, the letter for JRF is valid for only three years. 


The UGC NET Certificate for June 2024 Cycle has been released by the NTA on 26th December 2024 on the official website. The certificate for the december 2024 cycle will be released soon.


UGC NET Selections from Eduncle


Eduncle has helped many students prepare for their exams with customized and Economical study material. We provide you with live classes, mock tests, previous year question papers, answer keys, important topics list, etc.  


We have helped more than 4135+ students qualify for the UGC NET exam with the help of our exam-oriented material & teaching approach.


Check what our topper, Suchinmoyee Mishra has to say about us.




UGC NET Result 2025 Frequently Asked Questions About


Here you can check the most frequently asked questions about the NTA NET Result 2024: 


Ques 1: Is the UGC NET December 2024 result declared? 

Ans: Yes, The Result has been declared on the officials website of National Testing Agency.


Ques 2: How can I check my UGC NET Result 2025?

Ans: You can check your Result from the official website of the UGC NET. Click here to know the complete detail now.


Ques 3: What is the percentile score in UGC NET?

Ans: The UGC NET Percentile Score of a candidate is calculated relative to the NET score of other aspirants. The range of UGC NET score varies from 0-100, the Percentile score decides if a candidate has passed or not.


Ques 4: What is the passing score for UGC NET?

Ans: It is expected that the cut-off marks will be the same as the passing marks for UGC NET Exam. As the result has been declared, the officials have also issued the passing marks and the minimum qualify percentile.


Ques 5: How to apply for Revaluation of UGC NET Score?

Ans: NET is a computer-based exam and hence not leaving scope for human error. This is the reason that NTA does not conduct any kind of revaluation or recheck process for UGC NET Exam scorecards.


Although the official UGC NET answer key can be seen and challenged by the candidates. The procedure for the same can be checked here.


Ques 6: What if I forget my UGC NET application number?

Ans: You can retrieve your application number by clicking on the "Forgot Application Number" link on the login page and entering your name, date of birth, registered email, and mobile number


Ques 7: What is the date of UGC NET Dec 2024 Result?

Ans: The Result has been released on 22nd february 2025.


Ques 8: What after the NTA NET Result Declaration?

Ans: UGC NET gives you the opportunity to be an assistant professor or JRF. There are many other career options as well, that you can pursue after clearing UGC NET. Check all the future career aspects here: UGC NET Career Scope.


Ques 9: How to Check UGC NET 2025 Result if I forgot Password? 

Ans: If you have forgotten your password, you can follow these steps to recover it back:

Visit official website 

Click on the option, “check result” 

Click on the “Forget Password?” mentioned in the login column.  

Enter all asked details: Name, Mother’s Name, Father’s name, DOB, Security pin, and hit the “Get Application No.” Button.  


After putting the credentials, you will see three options to recover the password

Via security question

Via text message

Via email id

Choose the most suitable option and get your password recovered from it.   


Ques 10: What is the validity of the UGC NET score/grade?

Ans: The UGC NET score for an assistant professor’s post is valid for lifetime, but the letter for JRF is only valid for three years. 


Ques 11: Is there a normalization process for UGC NET 2025?

Ans: Yes, NTA uses the Equi-Percentile Normalization Method to ensure fairness in results across multiple shifts



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In this blog, we have provided you the complete information about the UGC NET Result 2025, scorecard, and E-certificate. We have also provided the last year’s cut-off marks to give you an idea about the minimum qualifying marks.


We hope it will answer all your questions regarding the NET result 2024. If you have any queries, share them with us through the comment box below.


You can also join India’s No.1 Learning Community for UGC NET, where you will get timely exam updates and doubt solutions for all your queries with the help of experts across India. Download the Eduncle App.


Thank You!!




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