Nitin Meel posted an Question
July 26, 2020 • 00:25 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

What happens when a monochromatic light is replaced by a source of white light in a young double-slit experiment?

What happens when a monochromatic light is replaced by a source of white light in a Young double-slit experiment?

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    White light consists of waves of wavelengths starting from violet to red colour. Therefore if monochromatic light in Young’s interference experiment is replaced by white light, then the waves of each wavelength form their separate interference patterns. The resultant effect of all these patterns is obtained on the screen. The waves of all colours reach at mid point in same phase.So at the central position condition of constructive interference is obtained for all colour.Thus the central fringe is white. We know fringe width w=(lamda)D/d Wavelength (lamda) of the violet is least and that of red is max. That is the violet (V) fringe appears first and the red (R) the last. After this the fringes of many colours overlap at each point of the screen and so the screen appears uniformly illuminated. Thus if we use white light in place of monochromatic light the central fringe will be white,and on either side of central white fringe few coloured fringes (in order of VIBGYOR) will appeared and the remaining screen appears uniformly illuminated. See the attached file for better understanding.

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    Ruby negi

    White light consists of waves of inumerable wavelengths starting from violet to red colour. Therefore if monochromatic light in Young's interference experiment is replaced by white light, then the waves of each wavelength form their separate interference patterns.


    see this.. for further discussion, do let me know..

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    Ruby negi best-answer

    when monochromatic light is replaced by a white light then we get coloured fringes in which center fringe is white.. and then a VIBGYOR colours appear after white,..


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