Vijay posted an Question
November 19, 2020 • 11:33 am 30 points
  • Mathematics (MA)

What is a symmetric group give me some examples

what is a symmetric group give me some examples and also tell it's importance.

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Deepak singh 1 Best Answer

    Symmetric groups are collection of bijection functions . See attachment and go through this video for better understanding.

  • Anuj s.

    Definition and Basic Properties of Symmetric Group Let X_n = \{1,2,\ldots,n\}.X n ​ ={1,2,…,n}. Then S_nS n ​ is the set of bijections \sigma \colon X_n \to X_n.σ:X n ​ →X n ​ . Since the composition of two bijections is a bijection, composition is a binary operation on S_n,S n ​ , which turns it into a group. The identity element of the group is the identity function ii: i(k) = ki(k)=k for all k \in X_n.k∈X n ​ . The order of the group S_n,S n ​ , the number of permutations on nn objects, is n!.n!. See the permutation wiki for a discussion. S_nS n ​ is non-abelian for n\ge 3.n≥3. For a proof, see example 5 in the group theory wiki exercises. S_3S 3 ​ is the smallest non-abelian group, of order 3!=6.3!=6.

  • Anuj s.

    Symmetric Group The symmetric group S_nSn​ is the group of permutations on nn objects. Usually the objects are labeled \{1,2,\ldots,n\},{1,2,…,n}, and elements of S_nSn​ are given by bijective functions \sigma \colon \{1,2,\ldots,n\} \to \{1,2,\ldots,n\}.σ:{1,2,…,n}→{1,2,…,n}. The group operation on S_nSn​ is composition of functions. The symmetric group is important in many different areas of mathematics, including combinatorics, Galois theory, and the definition of the determinant of a matrix. It is also a key object in group theory itself; in fact, every finite group is a subgroup of S_nSn​ for some n,n, so understanding the subgroups of S_nSn​ is equivalent to understanding every finite group


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