Nitin Meel posted an Question
August 01, 2020 • 03:39 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

What is difference between dynamic friction and sliding friction?

what is difference between Dynamic friction and Sliding friction?

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Ruby negi Best Answer

    Kinetic friction ( also called dynamic friction) is defined as a force that acts between moving surfaces. A body moving on the surface experiences a force in the opposite direction of its movement. The magnitude of the force will depend on the coefficient of kinetic friction between the two material... while The term sliding friction refers to the resistance created by two objects sliding against each other. This can also be called kinetic friction. Sliding friction is intended to stop an object from moving...also Rolling friction takes place when an object rolls on the surface. Sliding friction takes place when two surfaces are rubbed against each other. Rolling friction takes place due to the deformation of surfaces. Sliding friction takes place due to interlocking between microscopic surfaces.

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    Chandra prakash best-answer

    Kinetic friction is the friction that occurs when the two objects in contact move relative to each other and rub together, such as that which would occur when a child goes down a slide. Sliding friction occurs when one object slides on the surface of the other, like a block of wood sliding across the table when pu

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    Dhairya sharma best-answer

    Kinetic friction is the friction that occurs when the two objects in contact move relative to each other and rub together, such as that which would occur when a child goes down a slide. Sliding friction occurs when one object slides on the surface of the other, like a block of wood slidingacross the table when pushed.


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