Gouri Shankar posted an Question
September 16, 2020 • 20:34 pm 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

What is homomers and homologs? what is differences between skew and gauche conformation??

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Amol ashok pawar best-answer

    At times when same compound is represented in two different forms that might lead to believing that the representations are of two different compounds; these two different representations are called homomers. A homologue is a compound belonging to a series of compounds differing from each other by a repeating unit, such as a methylene bridge −CH ₂−. methane ethane propane etc. In conformations of butane along C2-C3 bond,when in newmann projections we represent two methyl groups at 60. position , conformation is gauche. Skew conformations are infinite conformations in between the specific ones formed due to rotation along the bond but they are not anti,staggered, or gauche.

  • Suman Kumar

    There are times when same compound is represented in two different forms that might lead to believing that the representations are of two different compounds; these two different representations are called homomers. An example of Homomers


    no such words homologs


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