Shifana posted an Question
October 26, 2020 • 16:52 pm 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

What is hybridisation of co(nh3)6 2+

what is the hybridisation of Co(NH3)6 2+?¿?????......

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Dinesh khalmaniya 1

    d2sp3 hybridisation Explanation- it is d2sp3.In exited state one of the 3d electrons of Co2+ (3d7) transfers into 5s orbital and the other 6 electrons of 3d orbital pair and remain in 3, 3d orbitals.dx^2-y^2 & dz^2 remain empty.Then 2 inner 3d, one outer 4s & 3 outer 4p hybridize to form 6 equivalent d2sp3 hybrid orbital.Then 6 NH3 gives 6 electron pairs & create 6 coordinate bonds to form octahedral [Co(NH3)6]^2+ ion.It shows paramagnetic property as it has a unpaired electron in 5s orbital.

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    Ashutosh singh best-answer

    The hybridization of Co^2+ in this coordination compound is not dsp^2 , it is d2sp3.In excited state, one of the 3d electrons of Co2+ (3d7) transfers into 5s orbital and the other 6 electrons of 3d orbital pair and remain in 3, 3d orbitals.dx^2-y^2 & dz^2 remain empty.Then 2 inner 3d, one outer 4s & 3 outer 4p hybridize to form 6 equivalent d2sp3 hybrid orbital.Then 6 NH3 gives 6 electron pairs & create 6 coordinate bonds to form octahedral [Co(NH3)6]^2+ ion.It shows paramagnetic property as it has a unpaired electron in 5s orbital.


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