Shweta Thakur posted an Question
April 09, 2021 • 21:16 pm 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Which is more acidic .... o

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1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Amol ashok pawar

    Carboxylic acids are more acidic than phenoxide As negative charge is delocalised across 2 electronegative oxygen atoms

  • Achyut ranjan gogoi

    acetate ion is more acidic due to two equivalent resonating structure by which the stability is more than phenoxide ion. while in case of phenoxide ion there is no such equivalent resonance

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    Dinesh khalmaniya 1

    Acetate ion is more stable than phenoxide ion due to two equivalent resonating structures in acetate ion. Phenoxide ion has non-equivalent resonance structures in which the negative charge is less effectively delocalised over less electronegative carbon atom and one oxygen atom. The carboxylate ion is more stable than the phenoxide ion. This is because in the phenoxide ion, the negative charge resides on one electronegative oxygen atom and the lesser electronegative carbon atoms. Consequently their contribution towards resonance stabilisation of the phenoxide ion is less.

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    Priyanshu kumar best-answer

    Acetate ion is more stable than phenoxide ion due to two equivalent resonating structures in case of acetate ion.


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