Shweta Thakur posted an Question
March 28, 2021 • 03:20 am 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Why emf decreases with increase in plz check the question first then solution..... k) + aq cacl:5/2 h,0 (sat.) + 2ag) is 0-6753 v at 25°c

Example 2. The EMF of the ell Ca,CáCl%.2-5H,O(saturated) |1 AgCl), Ag in wbich the cel ection s Ca)+ 2AgCK) + aq CaCl:5/2 H,0 (sat.) + 2Ag) is 0-6753 V at 25°C and -6915 V at O°C. Calculate the free energy change (AG), enthalpy change (A) and entropy change (A5) of tbe cell reaction at 25°C. Solution : 1. Free Energy Change (a6); : The cell reaction, requires 2 faradays of electriciy for its completiom since n=2 Free energy change is given by the relation -AG nFE (= V C) AG-2 mol x 96,485 C mol" x0-6753 VV =- 130,3329J = - 130-33 kJ Enthalpy Cbange (AF) : The EMF of the cell is given by (Eq. 4) In this case, EMF decreases with increase in temperature, i.e., (©ElGIp is negative. Thus, --6915 V-0-6753V 25 K 0-00065 V K at atmospheric pressure 0-6753 2molx96,485 C mol mol-T+ 298 K (-0-00065 V K-) aH 16717 joules=- 167-72 kJ 3. Entropy Change (A5) The eatropy change is related to enthalpy change and free energy change by the well known thermodynamc expression, AG = AH -7AS. -AS AG-AH . -130-331 lo-232 - 01238 K 128J K 298 K

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Achyut ranjan gogoi

    this relationship is thermodynamic behaviour with emf.

  • Achyut ranjan gogoi Best Answer

    see according to nernst equation we can tell that if the temperature is increase emf decreases but in this question it has given ∆e/∆t that means how emf is variate with temperature. this also depends on entropy if entropy is positive then emf is increase with temp and if entropy is negative then emf has indirectly relationship with temperature. this is not an fixed value it depends on questions and thr value given. hope this will answer ur question.


    thanku so much sir

  • Suman Kumar best-answer

    it is given in the question




    see enthalpy part sir they have written that EMF decreases with increase in temperature


    how it that possible because as I know with EMf there is increase in temperature


    there is direct relation


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