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August 03, 2024 • 15:50 pm

IIT JAM 2025 Virtual Calculator for Practice - Learn How to Use It

IIT JAM Virtual Calculator

IIT JAM Last 5 Years Question Papers & Solutions


IIT JAM exam is conducted in three sections- MCQs, MSQs and NAT type questions. Numerical answer type questions are based on real numbers.

Earlier, students had to face a lot of difficulties in solving this section. They were required to calculate the values ​​in a rough paper, which was a time-consuming process.

So, focusing on the difficulty of solving this section, the official authority introduced the IIT JAM Virtual Calculator.

In this blog, we are providing you the details of IIT JAM Virtual Calculator that will help you to complete your exam within the given time limit.

Essential Characteristics of JAM 2025 Virtual Calculator

How the Virtual Calculator Works?

Point That You Must Know While Practicing of Calculator

Do’s and Don’ts while using Virtual Calculator for IIT JAM



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Essential Characteristics of the IIT JAM 2025 Virtual Calculator


Below we are sharing the characteristics of IIT JAM 2025 Virtual Calculator, read them carefully: -

All the keys required for simple operations are placed on the right-hand side of the virtual calculator for easy access.

All Scientific functions and operations are separated on the left-hand side of the virtual calculator.

All Functions are grouped together for ease of success.

Inverse functions have separate keys (no need to press SHIFT or INV keys)

All trigonometric functions and Hyperbolic functions are together.

Inverse functions are placed below the respective functions. For example, “sin inv” is placed below “sin”.

Two display boxes are provided at the top of the virtual calculator. The top box indicates the sequence of the keys pressed (not the actual calculations) and is just for reference.

The display box below it indicates the actual values entered or obtained after calculations.


IIT JAM Online Calculator



You can practice & download Virtual Calculator for IIT JAM 2025 by following the Link:  Online Scientific Calculator



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Important Note: -


The IIT JAM 2025 Question Papers will be set considering the usage of the online calculator.

All the necessary functions and operations have been provided.

Any calculations needed for solving the questions can be carried out using this calculator.

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How Virtual Calculator Works? - Follow the Steps


IIT JAM virtual calculator has all the functions that you will need while calculating the numerical value. You must know all the functions of the calculator so that you can use the calculator without facing any difficulty.

Below, we are providing some examples to understand the functions of the calculator. You should go through the examples and learn from them to practice online:



 To Evaluate the Following

 You Should Enter

Simple Arithmetic


50 + 45 x 3

50, +, 45, *, 3, =


50 x 45-2

50, *, 45, -, 2, =


25 x (5+5)

25, *, (, 5, +, 5,), =

To evaluate function (value), enter value followed by function


2 + log (20) x 5

20, log, *, 5, +, 2, =


log (30) x 5 – 7

30, log,*, 5, -, 7, =


In (25) x 2 + 5

25, In, *, 2, +, 5, =


5 + In (25) x 2

25, In, *, 2, +, 5, =

sin (Degree), cos(Degree), tan(Degree) [“Select Deg”]


sin (45) or cos (45) or tan (45)

45, sin or cos or tan


tan (45) x 5 + 2

45, tan, *, 5, +, 2, =

Yroot () value


4th root of 5

5, y√x, 4, =

Cube () value


563 x 6+8

56, X3, *, 6, +, 8, =

“π" value


5 π

5, *, π

Cube root ()


cube root (3)

3, 3√

Square root


square root (4)

4, √

Factorial (n?)


factorial (5)

5, n?


factorial (6)*5-2

6, n?, *, 5, -, 2, =

Exponential (ex)



0, ex




2.5, 10x



10, ^, 0.509, +/-, =



10, ^, 2, +/-, =


After knowing the uses of IIT JAM Virtual Calculator, you should practice the numerical type questions with the help of Eduncle Study Material for IIT JAM Exam. It provides good quality notes to enhance your preparation level for the 2025 exam.

Below, you can download the free study kit provided by the Eduncle:





Points to Be Kept in Mind While Practicing Virtual Calculator


While practicing the virtual calculator, some doubts could arise in your mind. Given below are some important points that will help you in getting the answer to your queries:

This is not a fractional calculator. You can answer the NAT questions in decimal form.

There are no separate keys for converting polar to rectangular form and vice versa.

Complex numbers cannot be represented in this calculator. All questions relating to any area where complex numbers might be deemed useful can be solved using this calculator.

Matrices of numbers cannot be represented. You must solve the matrix-related calculations manually.

This is a non-programmable calculator. It does not solve any quadratic, cubic, or simultaneous equations.

You can’t get a stand-alone calculator app for mobile or computer. You need to access the calculator through the web.

Web connection is needed only to load the calculator on the webpage of your computer or mobile. Once it is loaded, you do not need an internet connection to carry out the calculations.

The keyboard will not be accessible during the entire duration of the examination.

Make sure that the top display area is showing the sequence of the keys pressed and not the formula.

You can use the scribble pad for assistance, since the calculator will not store the previous steps.

There is a memory button in the virtual scientific calculator also, to store a value.


Suggested Read: -

IIT JAM Exam Pattern 2025 | How marking is done in IIT JAM Exam?

IIT JAM 2025 Study Materials for best study solution

IIT JAM Preparation Tips| How to Prepare for JAM Exam 2025

IIT JAM Syllabus 2025


Download IIT JAM 2025 Syllabus Free PDF



Do’s and Don’ts while using IIT JAM Virtual Calculator


Before appearing or practicing for the IIT JAM, you should keep the following things in mind to avoid mistakes in the exam:



Be sure to press [C] before starting a new calculation.

Use the predefined operations such as p (Pi), log, Exp to save time during calculation.

Be sure to select the angle unit before beginning any calculation.

Use memory function to calculate cumulative totals. As listed below:

[M+]: Will add displayed value to memory.

[MR]: Will recall the value stored in memory.

[M-]: Subtracts the displayed value from memory.



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Do not perform multiple operations together.

Leave parentheses unbalanced.

Change the angle unit while performing a calculation.


In this article, we have provided you the complete knowledge about the IIT JAM virtual calculator 2025. Now, you should start practicing the NAT Questions with this online calculator to avoid mistakes during the exam.

If you have any doubt regarding the exam or the usage of the online virtual calculator, kindly share your queries in the comment box provided below.

You can also join India’s No.1 Learning Community for Joint Admission Test, where you will get a doubt solution for all your exam-related queries with the help of experts from all over India. To join the community, you can download the Eduncle App now.  

Thank You!!



Showing 1 comments out of 2
  • Mohan Krishnan

    on jam exam they are provid which type of calculator


    Hello Mohan,
    Greetings from Eduncle!
    A virtual calculator is provided in IIT JAM exam which you can use on screen during the exam.
    Thanks for asking your query with us!


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