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March 05, 2025 • 15:58 pm

UGC NET Management 2025 Syllabus, Eligibility, Books & Study Material

UGC NET Management Exam 2025


Management is a crucial field that involves decision-making, organizational planning, strategic execution, financial management, team coordination, and system control to achieve business goals efficiently.


Every year, thousands of candidates aspire to build their careers in management as professors, researchers, managers, and industry experts.


If you are planning to make a career in teaching, research, or advanced management studies, clearing the UGC NET Exam will open up excellent opportunities for you.


The UGC NET Management Exam is a national-level eligibility test. It is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship.


To help you in your preparation in 2025, we have provided complete details on eligibility, syllabus, exam pattern, study materials, preparation tips, and more in this article. Keep reading!


In this article, you will find the details of: - 


Career Scope

Eligibility Criteria

Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme

Syllabus & Important Topics

Study Material for Management

How to Crack the UGC NET Management Exam?

Cut-off Marks

UGC NET Frequently Asked Questions



Career Scope after Qualifying UGC NET Management



After qualifying for the National Eligibility Test, you will get many job opportunities in India. Some of the best UGC NET Career Options for Management are given below: -


Junior Research Fellowship – You will get a chance to work as a research fellow in various institutes and universities. You will get an opportunity to work on various research projects of government as well as private sectors both with INR 31,000 monthly stipend.


Assistant Professor – You can apply to UGC Approved Universities & colleges across India for the post of Assistant Professor.


Manager – You can work as an assistant manager or manager in many fields like –

Administrative Services

Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing

Architectural and Engineering

Compensation and Benefits

Computer and Information Systems


Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural

Financial, etc.

After getting the knowledge of career scope, now you should check its eligibility criteria.



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UGC NET Management Eligibility Criteria


If you have set your mind to apply for the exam, then you must have complete knowledge of NET Management Eligibility parameters. It will help you to know that you are eligible for the exam or not.


Here, we have provided the essential UGC NET Eligibility Criteria such as Educational Qualification, Age Limit & other crucial factors. Check them below: -


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Education Qualification 


To be eligible for the this exam, candidates must meet the following academic requirements:


To appear for UGC NET Management Exam, you must make sure that your PG Degree is in management or related subjects.


The candidates who are waiting for their post-graduation result or going to appear in the final year examination may also apply for this exam. But their master's degree should be completed within two years from the UGC NET Result date.


Below, you can check the percentage criteria that require to apply for the exam.



Educational Qualification

General (UR) Aspirants

55% in Post-Graduation or Equivalent Degree

OBC/ST/SC/PWD/Transgenders Aspirants

50% in Post-Graduation or Equivalent Degree

Ph.D. Degree Holders (who have completed PG before 19th September 1991)

5% Relaxation in Percentage



Age Limit


There is no upper age limit for Assistant Professors.


For the Junior Research Fellowship, the age limit for various categories are as follows: -



Age Limit Criteria

General (UR) Aspirants

Not more than 30 years (For JRF only)

OBC/ST/SC/PWD/Transgenders Aspirants

30 years + 5 years’ relaxation

L.L.M. Degree Holders

30 years + 3 years’ relaxation



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UGC NET Management Exam Pattern – Papers, Marks & Duration


After satisfying the eligibility criteria, you should start your UGC NET Exam preparation and make a perfect UGC NET Study Plan. For this, you must know the NET Exam Paper Pattern which helps you understand.


The UGC NET Management Exam consists of two papers, both of which are conducted in a single session without a break.


No. of questions asked in Management Paper

Total marks of Paper 1 & Paper 2

Total time to complete the NET Management Exam


Let’s understand the UGC NET Exam Pattern 2025 from the following table.




Number of Questions




50 Questions all are compulsory (MCQs)

 3 Hours



100 Question all are compulsory (MCQs)




As shown in the above table, the NTA NET Management Question Paper will be divided into two sections - Paper 1 and Paper 2.


UGC NET Paper 1 will be of objective type & would consist of General Aptitude questions.


Paper 2 will cover objective type multiple-choice, matching-type, assertion-reason, statement conclusion questions related to Management subject.


Note - There is a relief in the NET Exam that exam authorities haven’t mentioned any negative marking for wrong answers. So, you will get the full chance to try your luck & prove your skills.


To know which topics will come in the exam, check the UGC NET Management Syllabus provided below.



UGC NET Management Syllabus | List of Important Topics


To succeed in the Exam, candidates must have a clear understanding of the syllabus for both Paper 1 (General Aptitude) and Paper 2 (Management Subject).


UGC NET Management Syllabus provides information on topics that will be asked in the exam. It will help you to make a proper study plan and start your preparation wisely. It consists of 10 units which are divided into topics and subtopics.



Here, we’re providing the complete UGC NET Syllabus for Management for Paper 1 & 2 below: -


UGC NET Management Paper 1 Syllabus





Teaching Aptitude


Research Aptitude






Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude


Logical Reasoning


Data Interpretation


Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


People, Development and Environment


Higher Education System



UGC NET Management Paper 2 Syllabus


Paper 2 is subject-specific and covers in-depth management concepts, theories, and applications.





Management, Functions, Communication, Decision Making, Organisation Structure and Design, Managerial Economics, Demand analysis, Market Structures, National Income, Inflation, Business Ethics & CSR, Ethical Issues & Dilemma, Corporate Governance, Value Based Organisation

Unit 2

Organisational Behaviour, Individual Behaviour, Group Behaviour, Interpersonal Behaviour & Transactional Analysis, Organizational Culture & Climate, Work Force Diversity & Cross Culture Organisational Behaviour, Emotions and Stress Management, Organisational Justice and Whistle Blowing, Human Resource Management

Unit 3

Strategic Role of Human Resource Management, Competency Mapping & Balanced Scoreboard, Career Planning and Development, Performance Management and Appraisal, Organization Development, Change & OD Interventions, Talent Management & Skill Development, Employee Engagement & Work-Life Balance, Industrial Relations, Trade Union & Collective Bargaining, International Human Resource Management, Green HRM

Unit 4

Accounting Principles and Standards, Preparation of Financial Statements, Financial Statement Analysis, Preparation of Cost Sheet, Marginal Costing, Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Standard Costing & Variance Analysis, Financial Management, Concept & Functions, Capital Structure, Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Types and Process, Zero Base Budgeting, Leverages

Unit 5

Value & Returns, Capital Budgeting, Dividend, Mergers and Acquisition, Negotiations, Leveraged Buyouts, Takeover, Portfolio Management, Derivatives, Working Capital Management, International Financial Management, Foreign Exchange Market

Unit 6

Strategic Management, Strategic Analysis, Internal Analysis, Strategy Formulation, Retrenchment, Integration and Diversification, Business Portfolio Analysis, Strategy Implementation, Marketing, Market Segmentation, Positioning and Targeting, Product and Pricing Decision, Development, Pricing, Place and Promotion Decision

Unit 7

Consumer and Industrial Buying Behaviour, Brand Management, Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Marketing, Retail Marketing, Emerging Trends in Marketing, International Marketing

Unit 8

Statistics for Management, Dispersion, Probability Distribution, Sampling, Hypothesis Testing, Operations Management, Facility Location and Layout, Enterprise Resource Planning, Scheduling, Management, Operation Research

Unit 9

International Business, Foreign Direct Investment, Role of International Financial Institutions, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Knowledge Management

Unit 10

Entrepreneurship Development, Intrapreneurship, Innovations in Business, Business Plan and Feasibility Analysis, Sickness in Small Industries, Institutional Finance to Small Industries



Start your UGC NET Exam studies with the updated syllabus and plan your preparation smartly. Download Free PDF Now 
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Following is the list of important topics suggested by our subject experts after analyzing the previous papers.


Business Environment

Financial & Management Accounting

Business Economics

Business Statistics & Data Processing

Business Management

Marketing Management

Financial Management

Human Resources Management

Banking and Financial Institution

International Business

Organizational Behavior

Ethics in management


Managerial Economics

Accounting and Finance


Human Resources Management

International Business

Income Tax Law and Planning



UGC NET Management Books & Study Material


After having the complete knowledge of Management Syllabus, you must start your studies with the toppers suggested material. Being experts in NET, we’d like to advise you to go for the quality study material for NET Management.


There are a lot of UGC NET Study Materials available in the market, but only a few are genuine & provide notes and questions that are of good quality.


Here, we are providing you the features of quality material that you should check in your study notes.

Updated Syllabus

Good Number of Practice Questions

Good Explanation

Model Papers

Previous Papers

Designed in Easy to Understand Manner, etc.


Eduncle is one of those reputed online learning platforms that provide the assured study material for UGC NET Management. Our material is designed by the subject experts by focusing on the above points.


Here are some of the best UGC NET Books recommended by experts and toppers for Paper 1 (General Aptitude) & Paper 2 (Management Subject):


Trueman’s UGC NET JRF Paper 1 books

UGC NET JRF Paper 1 Teaching & Research Aptitude by Arihant Experts

UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) Management Paper 2 by Arihant Experts

Principles & Practice of Business Management by R.S.N. Pillai, S. Kala

Financial Management by I.M. Pandey

Human Resource Management by K. Aswathappa


You can get the free study Material for Management from the given table below: -




UGC NET Management Cut off Marks


Before preparing for the exam, you should first set your targeted score. The following table consists of UGC NET Cut off for Management subject, you can check the UGC NET December 2024 cut-off (official).




Assistant Professor

PhD only

Cutoff Marks

Cutoff Marks

Cutoff Marks























Know what type of questions are asked in the exam by solving UGC NET Last 5 Exams Question Papers. Download Here



How to Crack the UGC NET Management Exam?


To smoothen your preparation journey for UGC NET Management, we’re sharing some useful tips for you. Hope, these will help you in achieving good scores in the exam.


Always prepare a systematic pattern of studying. For maximum benefits, check all the latest trends of the exam through the UGC NET Notification.


Go through the updated exam pattern & syllabus. After that, you must prepare a study schedule accordingly to cover all the topics on time.


As per the previous analysis, mostly, events and discoveries questions are asked in the exam. So, you should make notes of the important dates and events to revise them at the last moment.


Make flowcharts for the topics like Polity & Administrations, System of Higher Education, and Strategic Management, etc. It will help you to recall them for a long time.


Solve UGC NET Previous Years’ Papers to know the exact paper pattern, marking weightage, the difficulty level of exam.


Post solving the papers, check your answers with UGC NET Answer Keys and analysis of your performance.


In paper 1, teaching aptitude, research aptitude, reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and data interpretation questions are asked so you must have a sound idea about these topics. For this, solve UGC NET Mock Test Paper as much as you can. Also, this will help you boost your speed and accuracy for the exam.


For statistics and probability-type questions, you must work on improving techniques of approximation and interpretation.


While attempting the paper, don’t waste much time on a single question. If you get baffled, skip the question and jump into the next one.


Suggested Reads for You – 

 10 Tips to Crack UGC NET Exam



Start your UGC NET Exam preparation with free study kit designed by Eduncle Experts. Download Now



UGC NET Frequently Asked Questions


In this section, we have added frequently asked questions as we have been receiving many queries related to the NET Management Exam.


If you also have any doubts regarding management subjects and the UGC NET exam, then refer to the following questions or NTA UGC NET FAQs.



Ques. Which management books should I read for UGC NET?  

Ans. There are many reference books available for UGC NET Management Exam. Below, you can check some best books suggested by toppers/subject experts.


Book Name


Marketing Management

Philip Kotler

Organizational Behavior

Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge

Financial Management

I.M. Pandey

Indian Economy

Mishra and Puri



Ques. What type of questions are asked in Management Exam?  

Ans. As per the previous year UGC NET Exam Analysis, the following type of question are asking in the management subject: -


Type of Questions

December 2024

June 2024







Match the Following






Assertion & Reasoning



Comprehensive Based





Download UGC NET Mock Test Papers Free PDF



Ques.) Can I prepare UGC NET without coaching?

Ans. Yes, you can prepare the UGC NET Exam without coaching, but you need good quality study material along with proper guidance.


At Eduncle, we provide you the best study material and exam guidance by the subject experts. Talk to our Mentors to ask your queries and get tips for exam preparation.



Ques. What was the difficulty level of UGC NET Management Dec 2024?  

Ans. The difficulty level of UGC NET Management Dec 2024 was easy to moderate. The following topics were found tough by the students.

International HRM

Career Planning and Development

Performance Management

Indifference Curve

Corporate Social Responsibility

Transactional Analysis

Accounting Principles



Variance Analysis



Here we have provided you the complete details of the UGC NET Management Exam. We hope this guide would help you in preparing well for the exam.


If there is any query regarding the exam and your subject, please drop your questions into the comment box below. We will try to solve your queries as soon as possible.


You can also join India’s No.1 Learning Community for UGC NET, where you will get doubt solution for all your exam-related queries with the help of experts from all over India. To join the community, you can download the Eduncle app now.


Thank You


Showing 10 comments out of 117
  • Surya khare

    Sir I did post graduate diploma in management from IIBM Patna in 2000 can I appear in ugc examination which is going to held in may 2021 At present I am working in marketing line Please advice me in this regard


    Hello Surya,
    Greeting From Eduncle!
    Yes a postgraduate diploma candidate can apply for UGC NET Exam in some specific subjects of management. You can check our blog of UGC NET Eligibility to know the detail eligibility criteria for diploma students.
    Thank You!!

  • Vashishtha

    My bachelor degree BBA. (MRK.) 59.8% and MBA. ( MRK.,HR) 59.6% so Can I apply UGC Net. And which subject are Good for me.


    Hello Vashishtha,
    Greeting From Eduncle!
    You can check our blog of UGC NET Eligibility to know the complete criteria to apply for the exam.
    Thank You!!

  • Anusha dodia

    Hello I completed my MBA in advertising and public relations. And scored 74.83% And did my bcom (special)in marketing. Can I apply for UGT NET management exam 2021?


    Hello Anusha,
    Greetings from Eduncle!
    Yes, you can apply for UGC NET Management for the upcoming exam as the application window for NTA NET 2022 has been closed.
    Thank You!!

  • Ritika gurjar

    Hii... Ritika this side I want to know what's the last date to apply for NET in Management. can you help in knowing the dates for filing applications?


    Hello Ritika,
    Greetings from Eduncle!
    The last date to apply for the UGC NET Exam 2021 is 5th September 2021.
    Thank You!!

  • Sayyad dangi

    I want purchase management notes, please help me


    Hello Saidusab,
    Welcome to Eduncle!
    We will be glad to help you for the UGC NET Exam preparation.
    Kindly share your queries and here . Our support team will reach out to you and share free UGC NET sample study material and course features with you.
    Thank You!!

  • Gaurav pooja

    sir maine abhi apni complete ki h with 60%kya m NET management kr skti h


    Hello Gaurav,
    Greetings from Eduncle!
    Yes, you can apply for NET Management with 60% marks.
    Thank You!!

  • Anjali

    I m Anjali 34y done MBA -HR from SMU (distance) can I appear for UGC net


    Hello Anjali,
    Greeting from Eduncle!
    If you have satisfied the criteria, then you can apply for UGC NET Management Exam. You can check the complete UGC NET Eligibility Criteria here.

  • Bhanu pratap

    those who have done previous year of MBA means 1st year are eligible for UGC-NET management

  • Riddhi garg

    I am graduated this year. Which masters degree is suitable for UGC NET management?


    Hello Riddhi,
    Greeting from Eduncle!
    You should appear in management course in masters if you want to appear in UGC NET Management exam.
    Thank You!!

  • Vikash

    Hi eduncle team. I am persuing MBA in business analytics 2 years (weekend class) program from a ugc approved college. I am persuing it along with my job. Am i eligible for NET management exam. Also will i have any issue getting job of a professor later?


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